If you're ready to feel alive,
you've come to the right place.

It's been a long time since you've truly felt alive, ravished by life.
You have dreams. You have desires.
You realize your health has become a limiting factor in living your best life.
It's time to change this.
I know exactly how to help.
If you're like most of my clients, you have
✖️ Seen your provider(s) repeatedly for your concerns, only to be left with wasted time, no answers, and more frustration.
✖️ Spent more time trying to put together your symptoms than you care to admit, because everything in the medical system seems to be incredibly disconnected.
✖️ Switched providers, hoping someone new would be able to address your long list of concerns
✖️ Tried to go it on your own with Dr. Google, your best friends, and various online or "natural" products that have promised to solve your symptoms with a supplement or a medication.
✖️ Maybe even tried a functional or holistic approach, but it felt like something was still missing.
✖️ Attempted diet after diet and program after program with temporary or waning results.
✖️ Repeatedly fallen off the wagon and wonder what the heck you have to do to get your shit together.
✖️ Considered that you may have to live the rest of your life feeling like shit.
Listen, babe. You've never been basic and your wellness shouldn't be either.
💋 You suspect something is truly wrong, even though your "labs are fine."
💋 You know that you haven't found the right person to help you truly see the full picture. You want to deep dive into appropriate testing with the right person, to truly understand everything that's happening in your body, and also to look at how all the areas of your life are impacting your health.
💋 You are ready for solutions that don't involve just putting band-aids on symptoms, matching pills to ills. You're ready for deeper healing, getting to the root cause.
💋 You want to feel understood and seen - finally - for the first time ever in your health journey.
💋 It's time to stop scrolling the socials in search of your next "tip, tool, or trick." You've tried that. Maybe it worked for a period of time. Maybe it didn't. But we're beyond that now.
💋 And you don't want another damn diet or program that leaves you exhausted, hungry, or overwhelmed again!
I know you might even be worried that there's nothing or no one that can help you. I get it.
Hi there. My name is Shannon Stockwell, MS, PA-C. At one time, I was incredibly sick ~ 395 pounds, on 9 medications, riddled with chronic illness and autoimmune disease. I was told that I would have to cope with chronic illness.
I refused to believe them. And I was right.
Over the years, I put multiple chronic illnesses into remission. I went from having multiple autoimmune issues, heavy metal and mold toxicity, stage 3 kidney disease, chronic daily migraines, severe depression, social anxiety, frequent complex trauma responses, and fibromyalgia to where I am now, learning to truly thrive after a very difficult life.
I realized that the medical system was not going to be able to help me. So I trained in conventional medicine as a PA and then furthered my education with advanced training in mindbody medicine and principles of functional, energy, integrative, and holistic medicine.
Now, at age 46, I am healthier and more vibrant than I've ever been. I am still on my own healing and weight loss journey. But I have more energy and vitality in my perimenopausal years than I ever did before. I also weigh less now than when I did at age 18. ;)
I am getting stronger year after year, creating a life where I get to live fully alive. And I get to help others do the same! In the nearly 4 years I've had my own wellness practice, I have served hundreds of clients to reclaim their energy and vitality.
Women are ready to be seen, heard, and understood.
Age 29 ~ 380 lbs
chronically ill, autoimmune-riddled, exhausted, depressed, hopeless. In a toxic marriage, struggling with complex PTSD, severe depression, anxiety, and unsure if I would live to age 40 or if I would ever feel joy.

Age 45 ~ 278 lbs
in the Redwoods in NorCal, traveling with my amazing husband (I did well the second time!). More energy, strength, and vitality than ever. Learning how to be loved, cherished, and successful, not merely surviving.
Allie says ...
I have two autoimmune diseases so I’ve been to MANY doctors and none of them come close to the care I’ve received with Shannon. I came to her in March with terrible pain, GI issues, and fatigue. Fast forward to now, my pain is managed, I no longer have GI issues, and my fatigue is much better.
One of the things I love about working with Shannon is that she’s always thinking outside of the box. I’ve always had symptoms of hypothyroidism without low thyroid hormone, so Shannon tested my thyroid peroxidase antibodies and bingo! I have Hashimoto’s disease. Her helping me figure that out helped my family members also get their diagnosis. I still have a long way to go of course, but I have hope now. It’s hard to feel optimistic with chronic illness. Especially as a woman, very often our symptoms are viewed as “over exaggerated.” Shannon has helped me get back on my feet and to a better place, physically and mentally. A truly life-changing experience working with Shannon.
Theresa says ...
I went to see Shannon at the request of my physical therapist. I was not sure what to expect but the experience has been very eye opening. I have been in a state of high anxiety in what feels like forever. I knew I had issues with my health, my body was just not functioning properly. Many doctors in the past wrote my problems off as "old age" saying to me it just happens when you get older. I knew deep down something was wrong it made no sense to me what was happening.
Since I have begun my journey with Shannon I feel lighter mentally and I feel as if I am really living my life with joy and awareness. Her knowledge and intuition about what your body needs, as far as supplements and support are concerned, is truly amazing.
Cindi says ...
Wow- how do I describe in words an experience that has been profoundly life changing? I had been searching for someone to help me safely reduce meds and feel better. Shannon is a modern medicine woman, with the heart of an angel and the soul of a wise healer. Her intuitive gifts coupled with her skill in scientific medicine are unrivaled in the medical community. And I have spent enough time and money with plenty of them.
Ashley says ...
When I came to Shannon, I felt off and couldn't figure out why. I had been following her on social media for quite some time, so I decided to reach out. I hadn't really worked with a holistic practitioner before, but I had heard great things.
From my first conversation with Shannon, I felt so well taken care of! She listened – actually listened – and paid attention to the whole picture of what was going on with me. She didn't push pills at me or run basic panels. She ran a handful of thorough tests to get visibility into what was really going on with me. She explained it all to me, and then she created a customized protocol with check-ins.
I would hands-down recommend working with Shannon. She's wicked smart, grounded in science, deeply intuitive, and is genuinely committed to your healing.
Julie says ...
I'm beyond grateful that I found Shannon and started working with her. For DECADES I've experienced symptoms that no one could explain, and while doctors shrugged and scratched their heads, we treated symptoms as best we could because there wasn't anything else we knew how to do.
As I got older and my symptoms progressed, and I looked at the lives of my parents and decided that I wanted to age in a much better way than they did, I realized that I really wanted to dig in and find root causes for what I was experiencing...and then Shannon appeared.
Shannon is super compassionate, non-judgmental, and a wealth of knowledge, and she looks at patients as whole humans. She encourages us to go slowly and gently as we learn more about our bodies and what it needs to feel healthy, which provides time and space to make the adjustments we need to in a sustainable way.
I still have a ways to go, yet in two short months I'm feeling HUGE progress. Jaw clenching that's plagued me consistently for 25 yrs is hardly noticeable right now. Other muscle tension I've suffered with is markedly reduced. Serious fatigue, general apathy, and generalized anxiety are resolving.
I firmly believe that aging well is not an accident, but that it's very intentional. I intend to age well, and I'm confident that I will with Shannon by my side.